Olivia and I spent 5hrs at the Paley Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida on Jan 2, 2019 visiting the world-renowned spinal surgeon, Dr David Feldman. First question he asked me when I gave him the history of our investigations was, « Are you in the medical field? » I was certainly flattered, and replied that I was a 100% dedicated mom who has worked for 6 years on the project called, « Olivia, aka agirlinabillion. »

He said he had never seen a patient like Olivia before (shocker!). He was mesmerised with her and offered to help. He said, “I’ve got to figure you out.” He looked at all of Olivia’s X-rays and MRIs from London, but said he needed better quality images with a 3Tesla scanner. It was extremely costly, but necessary, and all privately funded. The NHS system in London doesn’t use this machine, so we immediately called Dr Nolan Altman at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami, Florida for help.  The next day we had Olivia’s entire spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) scanned with the latest technology, a T3 MRI machine. Next step: Review results….. To be continued…. 

#MRI #paleyinstitute#goldblattsyndrome #nicklauschildrenshospital#mommabear #spinalsurgery#knowledgeispower  #whateverittakes #seekingmedicalopinions #raredisease #dwarfism 

x Mom