
About olivialugani

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So far olivialugani has created 86 blog entries.

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2023-06-12T19:27:07+00:00juin 12th, 2023|

Dear Friends, Olivia and I have returned to Paris! We were reunited with our family, Papa and Olivia’s two sisters. They missed us very much.  We are so grateful that Olivia is back home fully [...]

Day 2 post surgery

2023-03-07T01:08:01+00:00février 15th, 2023|

February 15, Day 2 post surgery. What is medicine if there is no risk? On Feb 13 we took a deep dive into risk. A warranted risk. We fought to get her the best care [...]

Surgery Date Jan 30 at Paley Institute

2023-01-06T17:58:23+00:00janvier 6th, 2023|

Dear Friends, After further discussions with a large number of specialists, we have rescheduled Olivia’s spinal decompression and fusion surgery at the Paley Institute for Monday, January 30th. Since arriving in October, we have been [...]

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