Greetings to all our Friends and Family around the World.
May 2020
We wanted to let you know our family is doing well as we #STAYHOME for the 10th week of quarantine in Paris. We are ensuring that we eat healthy foods, take our daily vitamins and remain #SAFE from the Coronavirus. Although France has begun de-confinement, we are staying home and staying safe from contamination of COVID-19.
Our health is our no. 1 priority. Certainly Olivia’s. There have been days when she has had a fever, causing a panic in the household. She is so incredibly precious, that when she’s not well it makes us all extremely anxious. No one will ever understand this overwhelming fear of living with a child of a rare disease. Having a rare disease and an already weakened respiratory system, puts her in the Coronavirus “vulnerable” category. Although we know she is very fragile, we try to not treat her as such. We make daily decisions that benefit her and ensure her health and safety.
The past 6+months have been challenging for us. We moved from London last August and immediately started at a new, strict French-speaking school, so it is really nice to have a break from the daily hustle.
We spend our days as a close family enjoying fun activities like art projects, science experiments, Zumba, yoga, chatting with friends and family on Facetime, cooking, baking with my sisters, playing Osmo games, puzzles, origami, computer games, dancing with our disco ball, dressing up, playing doctor, finishing hours of homework, watching Disney films (in French, of course!) and reading books.
We hope you will stay in touch and let us know how you are doing. We would love to hear from my friends around the world!
Email: Olivia@olivialugani.com
Instagram: @agirlinabillion
We pray every night for God to protect us all from this horrible virus.
Lots of love,
Olivia xo
#stayhome #staysafe #quaranteam #covid19 #3musketeers #paris#macron #quarantine #restezchezvous #stayintouch
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